What is The "6ixlips" Filler Technique?


I'm here to help you serve your best face. That means I don't just have a medical degree and all the training, licenses, and experience you need for aesthetic procedures... I've also worked with world-renowned aesthetic injectors and continue to perfect my techniques for YOU.

In this time, I've developed a signature lip filler technique I call 6ixLips. If you're from Toronto, you understand the reference (Thanks, Drake!). 

I have a stacked appointment log, I'm rarely searching for new clients, and my loyal stans book weeks in advance for one big reason: 6ixLips. Curious to learn what I'm talking about? Keep reading.

What is my 6ixLips filler technique?

I'll just answer the burning question straight away: What is my trademark 6ixLip™ technique? 🔥

It's all about emphasizing the natural shape of one's lips by adding more plump and volume with NO fillers over the lip borders.

Not to toot my own horn 🎺, but the results are amazing - just take a look for yourself.

Why does the 6ixLips technique work so well?

I've been injecting lips for years so I've learned a trick or two. Lip injections are not something that can be taught overnight. It requires intelligently placed injections and knowledge of how the medium will absorb over time.

My 6ixLips technique works because I avoid the common pitfalls most new injectors fall into and focus on what works, like:

I avoid Duck Lips at all costs 🦆

Duck lips were the first pandemic our country was plagued with. Got duck lips, like these? This is the biggest problem with lip injections and I see it on a daily basis. 🤦‍♀️ Injectors and our talents are NOT created equally and so many patients' lips display why.

Poor technique is the main culprit, but choosing the wrong filler for the job (more on that later) is another reason for these poor lip outcomes. If you're quacking, don't worry. We can dissolve bad lip fillers with Hylenex.

It's all about Lip Symmetry

Lip injections look their best when they keep their natural symmetry - and "natural" doesn't mean small. What I mean is we have to find your perfect lip ratio. 👄📐

You can get lip symmetry like A-List celebs. Heyyy, Angelina. I tell patients with virgin lips to plan for 2 syringes 💉 of lip fillers. The first syringe provides a foundation that gives the lip volume and projection, while the second syringe is fine-tuning; correcting asymmetry, shaping the lips, and defining borders. Follow-up appointments rarely need that much.

Lip symmetry is something that many injectors overlook. 6ixLips take into account:

✨ Defining distinct lip borders

✨ Lip symmetry

✨ Proportionate upper-lower lip ratio

✨ Correct fullness and volume

✨ .. and absolutely NO 🦆 DUCK LIPS!

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic Acid, or HA, is my filler of choice. Why? It's magic in a syringe. 🔮  HA is found naturally throughout the body, mostly in our joints, eyes, and skin. Within the skin, HA naturally attracts water keeping skin extra hydrated. Plus, the effects of injectable hyaluronic acid are seen immediately.

The wrong filler is why bad lips happen to good people. I’ve worked with plenty of different fillers to know that some are simply not meant for lips. HA fillers are temporary but they last long enough to yield the best results.


My patients have high standards

One thing I pride myself on is the brilliant network of patients I've accumulated. It's taken years, but my VIPs are unlike anyone. Why? They look amazing with their 6ixLips, but they're also savvy when it comes to cosmetic treatments. They know what to expect after lip injections (and even to avoid BJs for a few days because seriously, a 🍆 can ruin your new pout).  

My clients boast incredible results because they know how much lip filler is TOO much. They don't force the hand of their injector, but as if I would let them get away with that. The best clients listen to the professional in the room. With expert advice in mind, you get the highest-quality results.

Where can you get 6ixLips (the best lip injections) in Canada?

With me at Myrha Beauty in Ontario! I've performed countless lip injections and other sculpting procedures. My clients are happy with results, see for yourself! If you finally want the lips of your dreams, book a consultation so we can introduce you to the 6ixLips technique. 

Want some 6ixlips of your own? let’s chat.


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