Two Reasons to Try Our New Picosure Laser

Are the Ontario winter months leaving your skin dull and crusty like you haven’t slept in weeks? We thought so, but we got-chu here at Myrha Beauty, boo.

Our new Picosure laser is the most advanced aesthetic laser on the market. It promotes skin rejuvenation by naturally boosting collagen production and takes light “years” off of our patients. We don’t want you looking like Mrs. Clause, aged and wrinkled (no offense ma’am). 🤶🎄 It’s cuffing season and we need you to be looking your best. 😉

Non-surgical and non-invasive, the Picosure laser promptly delivers noticeable results with zero downtime and can be used on the face or anywhere on the body. There are TWO big reasons our patients are loving this laser: skin rejuvenation and tattoo removal. Ready to learn more? Let’s go.

What is a Picosure Laser

The world’s first picosecond laser, Picosure is a mechanical laser that shakes pigments up and disperses them without any heat. These particles are then safely absorbed into the skin.

The Picosure laser works by delivering intense photothermal impact in a trillionth of a second to the target area. Laser energy converts into gentle pressure waves at the skin and spares any potential thermal damage. It creates an elegant injury that helps the body’s natural healing response produce collagen and elastin.

The Picosure laser uses wavelengths to treat all colors, making it suitable for tattoo removal. It’s also perfect to reduce the appearance of fine lines, melasma, pigmentation, scarring, and acne scarring. 

A patient favorite and FDA-approved, treatments can be performed in as little as 15 minutes, depending on the patient.

2 Reasons Patients LOVE the Picosure Laser

1. It rejuvenates skin with collagen ✨

We all have sun damage, and for some, this turns into brown spots, unwanted freckles, and uneven skin tones. The Picosure laser improves the overall tone and texture of the skin, reduces acne and the appearance of acne scars, and leaves you smoother and younger-looking than before. It is safe enough to treat many areas of the body including the face, hands, legs, decollete, and more.

TBH, many patients start treatment with their face, only to realize they are obsessed with results and sign up for more appointments to treat other body parts on the spot. 

2. Picosure removes Tattoos 40% faster ⚡

Picosure laser is the first laser of its kind that doesn’t rely on heat energy, with the fastest treatment time. This breakthrough method effectively targets the most vibrant tattoos, easily removing difficult ink colors like blue and green. It can also remove tattoos 40% quicker than the longer and traditional Q Switch laser! 

Picosure works by shattering the ink into sand-like particles, which the immune system can carry out and discard more quickly. Traditional tattoo removal methods break down the ink into pebble-sized chunks, requiring more sessions to get results. If you have a previously treated tattoo and aren’t happy with the removal results, the Picosure laser might be your best chance to fix it.

When Can I Expect Results? 

With minimal downtime, patients can enjoy results immediately. So yes, you can go back to the office that day or out partying that night (without looking like a crazy person!).

Full results will be most obvious after a few treatments, but of course, this varies among patients depending on individual needs. Darker, deeper, and larger pigmented tattoos may require additional treatments. This will all be discussed during your consultation as we set reasonable expectations. There will be no surprises regarding your timeline of treatment! 🗓️

Am I a Candidate for Picosure Laser? 

Even if you don’t struggle with acne or regret a past tattoo, you may still benefit from this treatment thanks to its skin-loving benefits. Increased collagen production in the deepest layers of the skin will leave you plumper, more youthful, and less wrinkly.

The laser is safe for all skin types. Talk to our trained professionals to discuss what combination of treatment methods will provide you with the best results. We may recommend Botox or microneedling, among others, depending on your desires and aesthetic goals.

Book Your Picosure Laser Appointment 

Myrha Beauty in Ontario, Canada welcomes you to schedule a consultation today to discuss if Picosure laser treatments are right for you. Say goodbye to stubborn tattoos, haunting acne scars, or wrinkles that greet you in your reflection each day. Picosure is SURE to help you serve face, hunty.

Regret some ink? We can fix that.


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