Will Cold Weather Affect My Lip Injections and Facial Fillers?

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I’m not sure how you feel about the cold, but this frigid, Canadian weather can put a cramp in a girl’s style. I woke up this morning to see that we have an estimated high of only 4°C! The weather, no doubt, can have an effect on people’s moods, AND skin 🙃. I’ve really got to slather on the ZO Renewal Cream in the winter months to keep my skin hydrated. But, the REAL question is...can it affect filler results? This is actually a very valid question that I get asked quite often at Myrha Beauty. I mean, filler injections are an investment, you don’t want Jack Frost swopping in and jacking your perfect new pout just before holiday photos 😂📸. As an Aesthetic Injector, I want each of my patients to have full assurance that their results will last, no matter the weather conditions 😁. Read on, as I clear up any concerns you might have and also disprove a few myths. The more you know… Am I right??

Can the Cold Weather Negatively Affect My Filler Results and Make my Lips Shrink?

Let me cut right to the chase. The answer is NO. The cold will not have any influence on how your results turn out. Do keep in mind though, that there will still be some minor side effects. Just rest assured, that this is nothing permanent. I will also go through some precautions that you can take to keep any adverse reactions under control. 

Here are the most common effects on fillers in a cold climate:

Redness: You know that flushed feeling you get when you step outside right into the cold? This is due to the extra blood flow in your cheeks. Most people don’t mind the rosy cheek look, however, sometimes this will be a bit more magnified after getting a filler treatment, due to the extra inflammation. 

Bruising: Going off of my previous point, if you don’t take some time to ease into the cold, the increased blood flow might cause a bit of bruising. Take a bit of time to warm up your cheeks first, before stepping outside.

Tenderness: If you’ve just had a foreign substance injected into your face, there obviously is going to be a bit of irritation for a few days. The cold will, no doubt, intensify this.

Some Common Myths About the Cold and Fillers:

Myth 1: The cold is bad for fillers. 

The cold in and of itself is actually not bad for fillers. That’s right! In fact, we actually recommend that our patients ice their injection sites. The cold can boost the healing process in a more controlled setting like this. 

Myth 2: Your fillers could potentially freeze.

The cold weather will NOT freeze your filler. I totally get it, this is a very legitimate concern. The winters in Canada can be BRUTAL 😤. Anyways, I digress 😅. All this to say, keep in mind that your body is an amazing insulator. Your base temperature is always 37°C. No matter how cold or warm you get, your body will always do what it can to get back to its base temperature. Don’t underestimate your body’s capabilities! 💪

Myth 3: The holidays are the worst time to get an injection.

Believe it or not, Botox® and fillers are all the rage during the holiday season. People want to feel good about how they look before hopping in front of the camera for family photos. Just make sure you schedule a sufficient amount of time before your get-togethers. 

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What Precautions Should I Take During the Winter?

Now that we cleared up any of your misconceptions, I’ve also compiled a quick little guide on some steps that can be taken to minimize the side effects:

1. Moisturize - You should be using facial moisturizers anyway 😁 …but they are especially important post-filler treatment in the winter. The cold weather will definitely leave some dryness and redness, as mentioned before. And the last thing you need to be doing is itching your face! Gently applying some ZO Renewal Cream will help with these annoying reactions.

2. Limit Time Outside - If possible, we’d recommend laying low for 2-3 days. Kick back, watch your nutrition, and make sure you stay hydrated. Trust me, a few days off with some TLC will work wonders 😉.

3. Keep Your Face Warm When Going Out - This shouldn’t be that hard to do, with all of the mask precautions put in place! Wear a mask with a little extra padding instead of the basic cloth mask. Besides, now you won’t have to look like you’re wearing a diaper around your face anymore 😷🤭.

Is a Filler Treatment Right For Me This Winter?

Are you interested in the different types of filler treatments we offer and which one is right for you? Feel free to book a consultation with me! I’d love to chat and see what treatment works best for your goals and facial structure. DUCK LIP FREE ZONE!

Slay this Winter with a Visit to Myrha Beauty! ❄️


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