Does Botox Help With Depression?


Hey, all you cool cats and kittens! I was recently asked if it was true that Botox could actually help people feel better? We already know that Botox can help you look better, can help treat chronic migraines, and can even reduce the number of white t-shirts you throw out every month due to excess sweating 🥵… but did you know that multiple studies have been conducted regarding Botox as a treatment for depression? Well, cool cats and kittens there have! I took some time to compile all of these studies and list them below. Now you know!

“It’s the Botox”


Ok ok, so this wasn’t exactly what the official case studies [below] had in mind when they said that Botox may help to treat depression… but we’ll take a smile wherever we can get one. Surely you’ve seen Disney’s A CINDERELLA STORY 👸🏼. That famous scene when Fiona says, “I am very very very very upset about this,” and her daughter says, “You don’t look upset,” to which she responds, “It’s the Botox. I can’t show emotion for another hour and a half.” 🤣 SEE! If you LOL at that scene then we have proof that Botox CAN treat depression. 🤔Ok, so that may have been a stretch, but the point was to lighten up the mood before we talk about a very serious topic - depression. Is Botox a viable option to lessen the symptoms of depression? Let’s see what the studies had to say about it…

2006 Study

This study was conducted using 10 participants who identified as individuals that suffered from depression. Each participant was injected in their frown lines with Botox. 2 months post-treatment, 9 out of 10 participants reported that they were no longer experiencing feelings of depression and the 10th participant reported an improvement in his or her mood.

2012 Study

This study involved 30 participants who were currently on a treatment plan of antidepressants. Over the course of 16 weeks, half of the group was given Botox injections while the other half was given a placebo saline injection. Participants who received a Botox injection reported a 47.1 percent decrease in their symptoms 6 weeks after a single injection. The placebo group noted a 9.3 percent reduction.

2013 Study

In this study 25 participants with depression were treated with Botox. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) were used to assess depression symptoms and self-esteem, respectively. Patients were assessed up to 12 weeks after the treatment. The results showed that these patients experience a significant improvement in depression and self-esteem. The maximum effect occurred within the first 8 weeks after treatment. 

2014 Study

This case study had similar results to the others. 30 participants were injected with either Botox or a placebo in their glabellar frown lines. They received evaluations every 3 weeks for 24 weeks after their initial treatment. The individuals who received Botox injections reported an improved state of mind and little to no feelings of depression. They continued to experience improved symptoms of depression even after the 24-week period which is extraordinary considering that Botox’s cosmetic effects last about 12 to 16 weeks.

2017 Study

Similar to the previous studies, 28 participants with depression were evaluated and treated with Botox injections of the course of 6 weeks. These patients continued taking their antidepressants in addition to the Botox treatments. By the end of the study, all participants injected with Botox reported an improvement in their depression symptoms.


In summation it seems like we’ve just added one more benefit to the long list of benefits that Botox can provide. Depression is a serious matter and should be treated as such. We are here to help you look and feel like the best version of yourself, and as always SERVE FACE!

*Disclaimer: We DO NOT recommend Botox as a substitute for professional mental health treatments or antidepressants. We’re merely sharing the information provided to us by these helpful studies conducted by their respective certified professionals.

Can Botox Help You 😃?


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